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lateral computer

  • 1 lateral computer

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > lateral computer

  • 2 lateral computer

    Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > lateral computer

  • 3 lateral computer

    Англо-русский словарь по авиации > lateral computer

  • 4 lateral computer

    English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > lateral computer

  • 5 lateral computer

    вычислитель поперечного [или бокового] канала

    Авиасловарь > lateral computer

  • 6 lateral computer

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > lateral computer

  • 7 lateral

    lateral adj
    aircraft lateral inbalance
    нарушение поперечной центровки воздушного судна
    lateral acceleration
    поперечное ускорение
    lateral angle
    боковой угол
    lateral characteristic
    характеристика поперечной устойчивости
    lateral computer
    вычислитель боковых отклонений
    lateral control
    поперечное управление
    lateral control rod
    тяга поперечного управления
    lateral control spoiler
    интерцептор - элерон
    lateral control system
    система поперечного управления
    (воздушным судном) lateral deviation
    боковое отклонение
    lateral dihedral
    поперечное ВЭ
    lateral divergence
    боковое отклонение
    lateral drift
    боковой снос
    lateral drift landing
    посадка с боковым сносом
    lateral error
    боковое отклонение
    lateral flight path
    траектория бокового пролета
    lateral force
    боковая сила
    lateral instability
    поперечная неустойчивость
    lateral line
    боковая линия
    lateral manoeuvring range
    диапазон бокового маневрирования
    lateral noise measurement distance
    боковое расстояние до точки измерения шума
    lateral offset
    боковое смещение
    lateral pitch
    боковой крен
    lateral restraint
    боковое ограничение
    lateral separation
    боковое эшелонирование
    lateral stability
    устойчивость по крену
    lateral the center-of-gravity
    поперечная центровка
    lateral throw
    поперечный размах
    lateral trim
    поперечная балансировка
    lateral velocity
    скорость бокового скольжения

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > lateral

  • 8 lateral

    1. n боковая часть; ветвь, ответвление
    2. n сад. пасынок, боковой побег
    3. n фон. латеральный сонант
    4. n горн. горизонтальная выработка
    5. n горн. поперечная отводная канава
    6. n боковой; поперечный

    lateral dimensions — горизонтальные размеры; поперечные размеры

    lateral face — боковая поверхность; боковой фасад

    lateral section — поперечный разрез; профиль

    7. n воен. фланговый; рокадный

    lateral march — фланговый марш; движение по фронту

    8. n фон. латеральный, боковой
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. edgewise (adj.) edgewise; horizontal; sideways
    2. flanking (adj.) flanking; left; right; side
    3. oblique (adj.) oblique; side by side; sidelong
    4. side-by-side (adj.) coincident; collateral; corresponding; parallel; side-by-side; skirting

    English-Russian base dictionary > lateral

  • 9 computer

    вычислительная машина; счётная линейка; счётно-решающее устройство

    central air data computer — вычислитель [централь] воздушных данных

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > computer

  • 10 computer

    электронная вычислительная машина, ЭВМ; компьютер; вычислительное устройство, вычислитель
    4-D scheduling computer
    aircraft management computer
    ATC computer
    autopilot computer
    bombing computer
    control computer
    control law computer
    display drive computer
    downlink computer
    fault-warning computer
    flight computer
    flight augmentation computer
    flight control computer
    flight director computer
    flight guidance computer
    flight management computer
    flight management guidance computer
    flight warning computer
    flight path computer
    fly-by-wire computer
    general avionics computer
    guidance computer
    high-speed computer
    HUD computer
    lateral computer
    mission computer
    mission management computer
    moving map computer
    Navier-Stokes computer
    navigation computer
    optical computer
    pitch computer
    simulation computer
    simulator management computer
    spoiler/elevator computer
    systems computer
    TCAS computer
    telemetry computer

    Авиасловарь > computer

  • 11 computer

    airborne guidance computer
    бортовой вычислитель управления полетом
    air data computer
    вычислитель воздушных сигналов
    air data computer system
    система сбора воздушных сигналов
    air navigation computer
    аэронавигационный вычислитель
    air-speed computer
    вычислитель воздушной скорости
    angle computer
    вычислитель угловых величин
    approach computer
    вычислитель параметров захода на посадку
    auto go around computer
    вычислитель параметров автоматического ухода на второй круг
    automatic dead reckoning computer
    автомат счисления пути
    azimuth computer
    азимутальный вычислитель
    bearing distance computer
    навигационный вычислитель
    computer flight planning
    компьютерное планирование полетов
    computer generated simulation
    компьютерное моделирование
    (условий полета) course-line computer
    вычислитель курса
    Doppler computer
    доплеровский вычислитель
    Doppler computer system
    система доплеровского измерителя
    (путевой скорости и угла сноса) Doppler navigation computer
    навигационный доплеровский вычислитель
    drift computer
    вычислитель сноса
    flight computer
    бортовой вычислитель
    flight director computer
    бортовой вычислитель директорного управления
    flight management computer system
    электронная система управления полетом
    flight-path computer
    вычислитель параметров траектории полета
    go-around computer
    вычислитель параметров ухода на второй круг
    host computer
    основной вычислитель
    lateral computer
    вычислитель боковых отклонений
    navigation computer
    навигационный вычислитель
    navigation computer correction selector
    задатчик коррекции навигационного автомата
    overshoot computer
    вычислитель параметров ухода на второй круг
    range computer
    вычислитель дальности

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > computer

  • 12 computer

    Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > computer

  • 13 боковой

    биение боковой поверхности
    (рабочего колеса турбины) боковая кромка ВПП
    runway edge
    боковая линия
    lateral line
    боковая нагрузка
    side load
    боковая полоса
    (частот) боковая полоса безопасности
    (ВПП) боковая полоса безопасности ВПП
    runway shoulder
    боковая полоса безопасности, способная нести нагрузку
    bearing shoulder
    (от воздушного судна) боковая сила
    lateral force
    боковая частота
    side frequency
    боковое ограничение
    lateral restraint
    боковое отклонение
    1. lateral error
    2. lateral deviation 3. displacement error 4. lateral divergence боковое отклонение от курса
    across-track error
    боковое расстояние до точки измерения шума
    lateral noise measurement distance
    боковое скольжение
    боковое смещение
    lateral offset
    боковое эшелонирование
    1. side separation
    2. lateral separation боковой ветер
    1. cross wind
    2. flank wind 3. crosswind 4. side wind боковой двигатель
    side engine
    боковой крен
    lateral pitch
    боковой маневр
    side-step manoeuvre
    боковой маркер концевой полосы торможения
    stopway edge marker
    боковой обзор в полете
    sideway inflight view
    боковой подкос
    1. side strut
    2. side brace боковой подкос шасси
    underground sidestay
    боковой скос потока
    боковой снос
    1. side drift
    2. lateral drift боковой угол
    lateral angle
    боковой фактический уровень шума
    actual sideline noise level
    боковой электрод
    shell electrode
    боковые огни ВПП
    side row lights
    боковые огни рулежной дорожки
    taxiway edge light
    взлетать с боковым ветром
    takeoff with crosswind
    взлет с боковым ветром
    crosswind takeoff
    влияние бокового ветра
    crosswind effect
    вычислитель боковых отклонений
    lateral computer
    диапазон бокового маневрирования
    lateral manoeuvring range
    замер уровня бокового шума
    sideline measurement
    заход на посадку при боковом ветре
    crosswind approach
    звено бокового подкоса
    side brace link
    летать при боковом ветре
    fly crosswind
    линейные боковые огни приближения
    side row
    маркировка боковой полосы ВПП
    side strip marking
    ограничение по боковому ветру
    cross-wind limit
    полет с боковым ветром
    cross-wind flight
    посадка при боковом ветре
    cross-wind landing
    посадка с боковым сносом
    lateral drift landing
    радиолокатор бокового обзора
    sidelooking radar
    радиолокационная система бокового обзора
    radar side looking system
    расстояние бокового отклонения от курса
    cross track distance
    сила бокового ветра
    crosswind force
    скорость бокового движения
    sideward flight speed
    (вертолета) скорость бокового скольжения
    1. rate of sideslip
    2. lateral velocity скорость изменения бокового отклонения
    crosstrack distance change rate
    снос под воздействием бокового ветра
    wind drift
    считываемость составляющей бокового ветра
    cross-wind accountability
    траектория бокового пролета
    lateral flight path
    угол бокового скольжения
    sideslip angle
    указатель бокового скольжения
    sideslip indicator
    управляемость при боковом ветре
    cross-wind capability

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > боковой

  • 14 вычислитель

    азимутальный вычислитель
    azimuth computer
    аэронавигационный вычислитель
    air navigation computer
    бортовой вычислитель
    flight computer
    бортовой вычислитель директорного управления
    flight director computer
    бортовой вычислитель управления полетом
    airborne guidance computer
    вычислитель боковых отклонений
    lateral computer
    вычислитель воздушной скорости
    air-speed computer
    вычислитель воздушных сигналов
    air data computer
    вычислитель дальности
    range computer
    вычислитель курса
    course-line computer
    вычислитель курса и дальности
    course calculator
    вычислитель параметров автоматического ухода на второй круг
    auto go around computer
    вычислитель параметров захода на посадку
    approach computer
    вычислитель параметров траектории полета
    flight-path computer
    вычислитель параметров ухода на второй круг
    1. overshoot computer
    2. go-around computer вычислитель сноса
    drift computer
    вычислитель угловых величин
    angle computer
    доплеровский вычислитель
    Doppler computer
    навигационный вычислитель
    1. bearing distance computer
    2. navigation computer навигационный доплеровский вычислитель
    Doppler navigation computer
    основной вычислитель
    host computer

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > вычислитель

  • 15 отклонение

    отклонение сущ
    1. bend
    2. swerve (от курса полета) абсолютное отклонение
    absolute deviation
    азимутальное отклонение
    azimuth deviation
    блок индикатора отклонения от линии пути
    across track display unit
    боковое отклонение
    1. lateral deviation
    2. lateral error 3. displacement error 4. lateral divergence боковое отклонение от курса
    across-track error
    величина отклонения
    deviation rate
    вертикальное отклонение
    vertical displacement
    внезапное отклонение воздушного судна
    aircraft sudden swerve
    вычислитель боковых отклонений
    lateral computer
    диапазон отклонения
    range of motion
    диапазон отклонения закрылков
    flap-deflection range
    диапазон отклонения триммера
    trimmer range
    диапазон отклонения элерона
    aileron range
    индикатор отклонения от линии пути
    across track display
    истинное отклонение
    true deviation
    линейное отклонение от курса
    along-track error
    линия ограничения отклонения от глиссады
    glide slope limit line
    линия отклонения от курса
    course curvature
    механизм ограничения отклонения руля направления
    rudder limit stop actuator
    несинхронность отклонения закрылков
    flaps disagreement
    ответное отклонение
    response deviation
    отклонение, вызванное действием силы тяжести
    gravity deflection
    отклонение закрылков
    flaps motion
    отклонение луча
    beam bend
    отклонение от заданного курса
    deviation from the course
    отклонение от курса
    1. course scalloping
    2. course displacement 3. course shift отклонение от курса полета
    отклонение от линии горизонтального полета
    deviation from the level flight
    отклонение от линии пути
    across-track displacement
    отклонение от прямого пути
    отклонение от технических условий
    departure from specifications
    отклонение от установленных стандартов
    departure from the standards
    отклонение поверхности управления
    control surface deflection
    отклонение по дальности
    range deviation
    отклонение по крену
    bank displacement
    панорамный указатель отклонения от курса
    pictorial deviation indicator
    перечень допустимых отклонений конфигурации
    configuration deviation list
    полет с отклонением
    diverted flight
    полное отклонение стрелки
    full-scale pointer deflection
    преднамеренное отклонение воздушного судна
    aircraft intentional swerve
    предупреждение об отклонении
    deviation warning
    приборная погрешность отклонения
    indicated displacement error
    радиальное отклонение
    radial displacement error
    расстояние бокового отклонения от курса
    cross track distance
    реагировать на отклонение рулей
    respond to controls
    реакция на отклонение
    response to deflection
    резкое отклонение
    рыскание, вызываемое отклонением элеронов
    aileron yaw
    самопроизвольное отклонение
    сигнал отклонения от глиссады
    1. glide slope error
    2. off-slope signal сигнал отклонения от курса
    off-course signal
    сигнал отклонения от курса на маяк
    localizer-error signal
    система ограничения отклонения руля направления
    rudder limiting system
    система сигнализации отклонения от курса
    deviation warning system
    система управления отклонением реактивной струи
    jet deviation control system
    скорость изменения бокового отклонения
    crosstrack distance change rate
    скорость отклонения закрылков
    rate of flaps motion
    случайное отклонение
    inadvertent deviation
    суммарное отклонение
    overall deviation
    таблица поправок отклонений гироскопа
    gyro graph
    угловое отклонение
    1. angular deviation
    2. angular deflection 3. angular movement угловое отклонение сопла
    nozzle pitch angle variation
    угол отклонения
    1. deflection angle
    2. angle of deviation 3. squint angle угол отклонения закрылков
    flaps angle
    угол отклонения потока
    airflow angle
    угол отклонения руля
    control surface angle
    указатель отклонения
    deviation indicator
    указатель отклонения от глиссады
    glide slope pointer
    указатель отклонения от курса
    1. course deviation indicator
    2. deviometer указатель отклонения от курса по радиомаяку
    localizer deviation pointer
    указатель отклонения от маршрута
    off-track indicator
    указатель отклонения триммера
    trim tab indicator
    уменьшать величину отклонения от курса
    decrease the deviation
    управление по угловому отклонению
    angular position control
    фиксировать отклонение
    (от курса) чувствительность к отклонению по сигналам курсового маяка
    lokalizer displacement sensitivity
    шкала отклонения от глиссады
    glide slope deviation scale
    шкала отклонения от курса по радиомаяку
    localizer deviation scale
    элерон с дифференциальным отклонением
    differential aileron

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > отклонение

  • 16 вычислитель

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > вычислитель

  • 17 вычислитель боковых отклонений

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > вычислитель боковых отклонений

  • 18 маховик совмещения бокового упреждения

    Русско-английский военно-политический словарь > маховик совмещения бокового упреждения

  • 19 búsqueda

    1 search, quest, pursuit, research.
    2 chase, hunting.
    3 data search, lookup, look-up.
    * * *
    1 search
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    SF search (de for)

    a o en búsqueda de algo — in search of sth

    búsqueda y sustitución — (Inform) find and replace

    * * *
    femenino search

    búsqueda de algo/alguien — search for something/somebody

    * * *
    = chase, look-up [lookup], search, search request, searching, hunt, hunting, reaching, trawl, querying.
    Ex. Enthusiasm in a searcher, of course, all are agreed on: 'he must delight in the chase for its own sake'.
    Ex. With online display, the alphabetical arrangement can become less significant, since all look-ups can be achieved with the computer, and there is less need for the scanning of alphabetical lists.
    Ex. Even a user who starts a search with a specific subject in mind, may be seeking a specific subject which does not quite match requirements.
    Ex. The search request is displayed on the screen and assigned a number in the extreme left column.
    Ex. Indexing and searching, then, are integral one to another, and so a few comments on searching are in order here = Por lo tanto, la indización y la búsqueda son complementarios y así pues es pertinente hacer algunos comentarios aquí sobre la búsqueda.
    Ex. If a search, manual or on-line, appears likely to last more than a few minutes, and should the librarian decide not to encourage the enquirer to join in the hunt, good practice requires that the visitor be given something to be going on with and invited to sit down.
    Ex. It was not until the 16th century that falconry and stag hunting gained the significance that it retained until 1789.
    Ex. 'Searching' or even 'ordering' would be better, so long as we didn't imply by either of them an 'irritable reaching after fact and reason'.
    Ex. 'Systematic review' is the process whereby similar studies, identified from a comprehensive trawl of numerous databases, are summarized in digestible form.
    Ex. The project consortium will complete a feasibility study into the automatic indexing of free text and the multilingual querying of text databases = El consorcio creado realizar el proyecto llevará a cabo un estudio de viabilidad sobre la indización automática de texto libre y la consulta en varios idiomas de bases de datos de texto.
    * acotador de búsqueda = search qualifier.
    * acotar una búsqueda = narrow + search, qualify + search, refine + search.
    * agente de búsqueda = intelligent search agent, search agent.
    * ampliar una búsqueda = broaden + search, expand + Posesivo + search.
    * anterior a la búsqueda = pre-search.
    * árbol de búsqueda binario = binary search tree.
    * búsqueda a terceros = third party searching.
    * búsqueda a través de ficheros de identificación documental = signature-based search.
    * búsqueda automatizada = computer searching, computer search, automated searching.
    * búsqueda avanzada = advanced search.
    * búsqueda bibliográfica = literature searching, literature search, bibliographic search.
    * búsqueda booleana = Boolean searching.
    * búsqueda con anterioridad al pedido = preorder searching.
    * búsqueda contextual = contextual searching.
    * búsqueda cruzada = federated search.
    * búsqueda cruzada de ficheros = cross-file searching.
    * búsqueda de citas = citation search.
    * búsqueda de comida = foraging.
    * búsqueda de datos = fact-finding.
    * búsqueda de documento conocido = known-item search.
    * búsqueda de documentos concretos = item search.
    * búsqueda deductiva = heuristic search.
    * búsqueda de empleo = job searching, job hunting.
    * búsqueda de información = fact-finding, quest for + information, information seeking.
    * búsqueda de la verdad = truth-seeking.
    * búsqueda del conocimiento = quest for/of knowledge.
    * búsqueda del tesoro = treasure hunt, scavenger hunt.
    * búsqueda de nuevos genes = gene-harvesting.
    * búsqueda de oro = gold digging.
    * búsqueda de palabras clave = keyword search.
    * búsqueda de pareja = mate finding.
    * búsqueda de proximidad = proximity searching.
    * búsqueda de recursos = resource discovery.
    * búsqueda de secuencias de caracteres = string search, string searching.
    * búsqueda de tesoros = treasure-seeking.
    * búsqueda de texto libre = free text search, free-text searching.
    * búsqueda de títulos = title search.
    * búsqueda de varios ficheros a la vez = multi-file searching.
    * búsqueda difusa = fuzzy match, fuzzy matching.
    * búsqueda documental = document search.
    * búsqueda eficaz = savvy searching.
    * búsqueda en el índice = index searching.
    * búsqueda en lenguaje natural = natural language searching.
    * búsqueda en línea = online searching, online search.
    * búsqueda en múltiples bases de datos = cross database searching.
    * búsqueda en múltiples ficheros = cross-file searching.
    * búsqueda en serie = serial search, serial searching.
    * búsqueda en texto completo = full text search.
    * búsqueda en vano = wild goose chase.
    * búsqueda evolutiva = berrypicking.
    * búsqueda exacta = exact match.
    * búsqueda global = comprehensive search.
    * búsqueda inteligente = savvy searching.
    * búsqueda interactiva = interactive searching, interactive search.
    * búsqueda inversa = backtracking search.
    * búsqueda iterativa = iterative searching.
    * búsqueda lateral = lateral searching.
    * búsqueda manual = manual searching.
    * búsqueda mecánica = machine searching.
    * búsqueda parcial = partial match.
    * búsqueda personalizada de ejecutivos = headhunting, executive search.
    * búsqueda ponderada = weighted query.
    * búsqueda por autor = author searching.
    * búsqueda por autor/título = author/title search.
    * búsqueda por campos = field searching.
    * búsqueda por descriptores = descriptor searching.
    * búsqueda por el usuario final = end-user searching.
    * búsqueda por materia = subject searching, topical subject search.
    * búsqueda por materias = subject search, subject query, subject browsing.
    * búsqueda por máxima proximidad = nearest neighbour searching.
    * búsqueda por medio de menús = menu-assisted searching.
    * búsqueda por medio de órdenes = command search.
    * búsqueda por palabra del título = title word search.
    * búsqueda por rangos = range searching, ranged search.
    * búsqueda por secuencia de caracteres = character-string search.
    * búsqueda por términos ponderados = weighted term search.
    * búsqueda rápida = scanning.
    * búsqueda repetitiva = iterative search.
    * búsqueda retrospectiva = retrospective search, retrospective searching.
    * búsquedas de secuencias de caracteres = text-string searching.
    * búsqueda simple = simple search.
    * búsqueda simultánea en varios ficheros = cross-searching [cross searching].
    * búsqueda simultánea en varios sitios = cross-search [cross search].
    * Búsqueda Simultánea Remota (SRS) = Simultaneous Remote Searching (SRS).
    * búsqueda tabú = tabu search.
    * búsqueda truncada = truncated search.
    * búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue (SAR).
    * capacidad de búsqueda = searching power.
    * clave de búsqueda = search key.
    * clave de búsqueda derivado = derived search key.
    * clave de búsqueda por el título = title key.
    * clave de búsqueda por nombre de autor = author key.
    * clave de búsqueda truncada = truncated key.
    * clave de búsqueda truncada derivada = truncated derived search key.
    * código de búsqueda = searchable code, search code.
    * coincidencia de mayúsculas y minúsculas en la búsqueda = case sensitivity.
    * comportamiento de búsqueda de información = information-seeking behaviour.
    * condición de búsqueda = search requirement.
    * conocimientos básicos de búsqueda = information literacy.
    * construir una búsqueda = construct + search.
    * construir un enunciado de búsqueda = state + search topic.
    * criterios de búsqueda = search criteria.
    * cumplir la condición de la búsqueda = match + request specification.
    * cumplir un enunciado lógico de búsqueda = satisfy + logic statement.
    * de acuerdo con la búsqueda de cadenas de caracteres = on a string search basis.
    * delimitar una búsqueda = narrow + search, qualify + search, refine + search.
    * desconocimiento de las destrezas básicas en la búsqueda, rec = information illiteracy.
    * destreza en la búsqueda de información en una biblioteca = library research skills.
    * detener búsqueda = discontinue + search.
    * donde se pueden hacer búsquedas = queriable.
    * durante la búsqueda = at the search stage.
    * ecuación de búsqueda = search argument, search expression, search formulation.
    * elemento de búsqueda ficticio = rogue string.
    * eliminar una ecuación de búsqueda = clear + search.
    * empresa de búsqueda personalizada de ejecutivos = headhunter.
    * en búsqueda de = a quest for.
    * en la búsqueda de = in the quest for.
    * enseñanza en la búsqueda de información = information instruction.
    * enunciado de búsqueda = search prescription, search statement, search query, query statement.
    * enunciado de búsqueda de documentos multimedia = multimedia query.
    * enunciado de búsqueda en texto libre = free-text search statement.
    * equipo de búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue team.
    * estadísticas de búsqueda = searching statistics.
    * estrategia de búsqueda = search strategy, search process.
    * estrategia de búsqueda de información = information seeking pattern.
    * expansión de una búsqueda por medio del tesauro = thesaurus expansion.
    * explosión de las búsquedas = explosion of searches.
    * expresión de búsqueda = access vector, search expression.
    * facilidad de búsqueda = scannability, soughtness, searchability, findability.
    * formulación de una búsqueda = query formulation.
    * formular una ecuación de búsqueda = formulate + search strategy.
    * grado de coincidencia entre el tema de un documento y el tema de búsqueda = topicality.
    * guardar los resultados de una búsqueda en un fichero = store + search results + in disc file.
    * guardar una búsqueda en disco = save + Posesivo + search + to disc.
    * hábito de búsqueda de información = information-seeking habit.
    * hacer búsquedas en = search through.
    * hacer cambios en la búsqueda = renegotiate + search.
    * hacer una búsqueda = look up, submit + search, do + search.
    * hacer una búsqueda en Google = google.
    * hacer una búsqueda mediante el operador O = OR together.
    * hacer una búsqueda mediante el operador Y = AND together.
    * herramienta de búsqueda = search aid, finding aid, search tool.
    * herramientas de ayuda para la búsqueda = searching aid.
    * historial de búsqueda = search history.
    * impreso de perfil de búsqueda = profile search form.
    * incluir en la búsqueda los términos relacionados = explode.
    * interfaz de búsqueda = search interface.
    * juego de búsqueda bibliográfica = library scavenger hunt.
    * lenguaje de búsqueda = search language.
    * limitar búsqueda = limit + search.
    * línea de búsqueda = query line.
    * lista de búsqueda = finding list.
    * lógica de búsqueda = search logic.
    * lógica de búsqueda por ponderación = weighted-term search logic.
    * método de búsqueda = search paradigm.
    * misión de búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue mission.
    * motor de búsqueda = portal, search engine, crawler.
    * número de búsquedas fallidas = failure rate.
    * número de la búsqueda = set number.
    * opción de búsqueda = search option.
    * opciones de búsqueda = search capabilities.
    * operación de búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue operation, search and rescue mission.
    * ordenación jerárquica del resultado de la búsqueda = output ranking.
    * orden de ampliar la búsqueda a los términos relaci = explode command.
    * papeleta de petición de búsqueda en línea = online search request form.
    * paradigma de búsqueda = search paradigm.
    * perfil de búsqueda = search profile.
    * petición de búsqueda = search request.
    * ponderación de los términos de la ecuación de búsqueda = query term weighting.
    * posibilidades de búsqueda = searching capabilities, searchability, retrieval facilities, search facilities.
    * posterior a la búsqueda = post-search.
    * precisar una búsqueda = focus + Posesivo + search.
    * proceso de búsqueda = searching process, search process.
    * programa de búsqueda = search software, search software package.
    * proveedor de servicios de búsqueda en línea = online search service supplier.
    * realizar una búsqueda = conduct + search, execute + search, perform + search, run + search, undertake + search, carry out + search.
    * recuadro de búsqueda = search box.
    * reformulación de la búsqueda = query reformation.
    * restringir una búsqueda = limit + selection, narrow + search, qualify + search, qualify + selection.
    * resultado de la búsqueda = posting, search output, search result, searching result.
    * resultado de una búsqueda = set.
    * robot de búsqueda = portal, search engine, crawler, Web crawler.
    * servicio de búsqueda = search service.
    * sesión de búsqueda = search session.
    * sistema de búsqueda = paging system.
    * técnica de búsqueda automatizada = computer-searching technique.
    * tema de búsqueda = search topic.
    * término de búsqueda = search term, search word.
    * término de la búsqueda = query term.
    * tiempo de búsqueda = search time.
    * tipos de búsqueda = retrieval facilities, search facilities.
    * vector de búsqueda = query vector.
    * velocidad de búsqueda = search speed.
    * ventana de búsqueda = search box.
    * * *
    femenino search

    búsqueda de algo/alguien — search for something/somebody

    * * *
    = chase, look-up [lookup], search, search request, searching, hunt, hunting, reaching, trawl, querying.

    Ex: Enthusiasm in a searcher, of course, all are agreed on: 'he must delight in the chase for its own sake'.

    Ex: With online display, the alphabetical arrangement can become less significant, since all look-ups can be achieved with the computer, and there is less need for the scanning of alphabetical lists.
    Ex: Even a user who starts a search with a specific subject in mind, may be seeking a specific subject which does not quite match requirements.
    Ex: The search request is displayed on the screen and assigned a number in the extreme left column.
    Ex: Indexing and searching, then, are integral one to another, and so a few comments on searching are in order here = Por lo tanto, la indización y la búsqueda son complementarios y así pues es pertinente hacer algunos comentarios aquí sobre la búsqueda.
    Ex: If a search, manual or on-line, appears likely to last more than a few minutes, and should the librarian decide not to encourage the enquirer to join in the hunt, good practice requires that the visitor be given something to be going on with and invited to sit down.
    Ex: It was not until the 16th century that falconry and stag hunting gained the significance that it retained until 1789.
    Ex: 'Searching' or even 'ordering' would be better, so long as we didn't imply by either of them an 'irritable reaching after fact and reason'.
    Ex: 'Systematic review' is the process whereby similar studies, identified from a comprehensive trawl of numerous databases, are summarized in digestible form.
    Ex: The project consortium will complete a feasibility study into the automatic indexing of free text and the multilingual querying of text databases = El consorcio creado realizar el proyecto llevará a cabo un estudio de viabilidad sobre la indización automática de texto libre y la consulta en varios idiomas de bases de datos de texto.
    * acotador de búsqueda = search qualifier.
    * acotar una búsqueda = narrow + search, qualify + search, refine + search.
    * agente de búsqueda = intelligent search agent, search agent.
    * ampliar una búsqueda = broaden + search, expand + Posesivo + search.
    * anterior a la búsqueda = pre-search.
    * árbol de búsqueda binario = binary search tree.
    * búsqueda a terceros = third party searching.
    * búsqueda a través de ficheros de identificación documental = signature-based search.
    * búsqueda automatizada = computer searching, computer search, automated searching.
    * búsqueda avanzada = advanced search.
    * búsqueda bibliográfica = literature searching, literature search, bibliographic search.
    * búsqueda booleana = Boolean searching.
    * búsqueda con anterioridad al pedido = preorder searching.
    * búsqueda contextual = contextual searching.
    * búsqueda cruzada = federated search.
    * búsqueda cruzada de ficheros = cross-file searching.
    * búsqueda de citas = citation search.
    * búsqueda de comida = foraging.
    * búsqueda de datos = fact-finding.
    * búsqueda de documento conocido = known-item search.
    * búsqueda de documentos concretos = item search.
    * búsqueda deductiva = heuristic search.
    * búsqueda de empleo = job searching, job hunting.
    * búsqueda de información = fact-finding, quest for + information, information seeking.
    * búsqueda de la verdad = truth-seeking.
    * búsqueda del conocimiento = quest for/of knowledge.
    * búsqueda del tesoro = treasure hunt, scavenger hunt.
    * búsqueda de nuevos genes = gene-harvesting.
    * búsqueda de oro = gold digging.
    * búsqueda de palabras clave = keyword search.
    * búsqueda de pareja = mate finding.
    * búsqueda de proximidad = proximity searching.
    * búsqueda de recursos = resource discovery.
    * búsqueda de secuencias de caracteres = string search, string searching.
    * búsqueda de tesoros = treasure-seeking.
    * búsqueda de texto libre = free text search, free-text searching.
    * búsqueda de títulos = title search.
    * búsqueda de varios ficheros a la vez = multi-file searching.
    * búsqueda difusa = fuzzy match, fuzzy matching.
    * búsqueda documental = document search.
    * búsqueda eficaz = savvy searching.
    * búsqueda en el índice = index searching.
    * búsqueda en lenguaje natural = natural language searching.
    * búsqueda en línea = online searching, online search.
    * búsqueda en múltiples bases de datos = cross database searching.
    * búsqueda en múltiples ficheros = cross-file searching.
    * búsqueda en serie = serial search, serial searching.
    * búsqueda en texto completo = full text search.
    * búsqueda en vano = wild goose chase.
    * búsqueda evolutiva = berrypicking.
    * búsqueda exacta = exact match.
    * búsqueda global = comprehensive search.
    * búsqueda inteligente = savvy searching.
    * búsqueda interactiva = interactive searching, interactive search.
    * búsqueda inversa = backtracking search.
    * búsqueda iterativa = iterative searching.
    * búsqueda lateral = lateral searching.
    * búsqueda manual = manual searching.
    * búsqueda mecánica = machine searching.
    * búsqueda parcial = partial match.
    * búsqueda personalizada de ejecutivos = headhunting, executive search.
    * búsqueda ponderada = weighted query.
    * búsqueda por autor = author searching.
    * búsqueda por autor/título = author/title search.
    * búsqueda por campos = field searching.
    * búsqueda por descriptores = descriptor searching.
    * búsqueda por el usuario final = end-user searching.
    * búsqueda por materia = subject searching, topical subject search.
    * búsqueda por materias = subject search, subject query, subject browsing.
    * búsqueda por máxima proximidad = nearest neighbour searching.
    * búsqueda por medio de menús = menu-assisted searching.
    * búsqueda por medio de órdenes = command search.
    * búsqueda por palabra del título = title word search.
    * búsqueda por rangos = range searching, ranged search.
    * búsqueda por secuencia de caracteres = character-string search.
    * búsqueda por términos ponderados = weighted term search.
    * búsqueda rápida = scanning.
    * búsqueda repetitiva = iterative search.
    * búsqueda retrospectiva = retrospective search, retrospective searching.
    * búsquedas de secuencias de caracteres = text-string searching.
    * búsqueda simple = simple search.
    * búsqueda simultánea en varios ficheros = cross-searching [cross searching].
    * búsqueda simultánea en varios sitios = cross-search [cross search].
    * Búsqueda Simultánea Remota (SRS) = Simultaneous Remote Searching (SRS).
    * búsqueda tabú = tabu search.
    * búsqueda truncada = truncated search.
    * búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue (SAR).
    * capacidad de búsqueda = searching power.
    * clave de búsqueda = search key.
    * clave de búsqueda derivado = derived search key.
    * clave de búsqueda por el título = title key.
    * clave de búsqueda por nombre de autor = author key.
    * clave de búsqueda truncada = truncated key.
    * clave de búsqueda truncada derivada = truncated derived search key.
    * código de búsqueda = searchable code, search code.
    * coincidencia de mayúsculas y minúsculas en la búsqueda = case sensitivity.
    * comportamiento de búsqueda de información = information-seeking behaviour.
    * condición de búsqueda = search requirement.
    * conocimientos básicos de búsqueda = information literacy.
    * construir una búsqueda = construct + search.
    * construir un enunciado de búsqueda = state + search topic.
    * criterios de búsqueda = search criteria.
    * cumplir la condición de la búsqueda = match + request specification.
    * cumplir un enunciado lógico de búsqueda = satisfy + logic statement.
    * de acuerdo con la búsqueda de cadenas de caracteres = on a string search basis.
    * delimitar una búsqueda = narrow + search, qualify + search, refine + search.
    * desconocimiento de las destrezas básicas en la búsqueda, rec = information illiteracy.
    * destreza en la búsqueda de información en una biblioteca = library research skills.
    * detener búsqueda = discontinue + search.
    * donde se pueden hacer búsquedas = queriable.
    * durante la búsqueda = at the search stage.
    * ecuación de búsqueda = search argument, search expression, search formulation.
    * elemento de búsqueda ficticio = rogue string.
    * eliminar una ecuación de búsqueda = clear + search.
    * empresa de búsqueda personalizada de ejecutivos = headhunter.
    * en búsqueda de = a quest for.
    * en la búsqueda de = in the quest for.
    * enseñanza en la búsqueda de información = information instruction.
    * enunciado de búsqueda = search prescription, search statement, search query, query statement.
    * enunciado de búsqueda de documentos multimedia = multimedia query.
    * enunciado de búsqueda en texto libre = free-text search statement.
    * equipo de búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue team.
    * estadísticas de búsqueda = searching statistics.
    * estrategia de búsqueda = search strategy, search process.
    * estrategia de búsqueda de información = information seeking pattern.
    * expansión de una búsqueda por medio del tesauro = thesaurus expansion.
    * explosión de las búsquedas = explosion of searches.
    * expresión de búsqueda = access vector, search expression.
    * facilidad de búsqueda = scannability, soughtness, searchability, findability.
    * formulación de una búsqueda = query formulation.
    * formular una ecuación de búsqueda = formulate + search strategy.
    * grado de coincidencia entre el tema de un documento y el tema de búsqueda = topicality.
    * guardar los resultados de una búsqueda en un fichero = store + search results + in disc file.
    * guardar una búsqueda en disco = save + Posesivo + search + to disc.
    * hábito de búsqueda de información = information-seeking habit.
    * hacer búsquedas en = search through.
    * hacer cambios en la búsqueda = renegotiate + search.
    * hacer una búsqueda = look up, submit + search, do + search.
    * hacer una búsqueda en Google = google.
    * hacer una búsqueda mediante el operador O = OR together.
    * hacer una búsqueda mediante el operador Y = AND together.
    * herramienta de búsqueda = search aid, finding aid, search tool.
    * herramientas de ayuda para la búsqueda = searching aid.
    * historial de búsqueda = search history.
    * impreso de perfil de búsqueda = profile search form.
    * incluir en la búsqueda los términos relacionados = explode.
    * interfaz de búsqueda = search interface.
    * juego de búsqueda bibliográfica = library scavenger hunt.
    * lenguaje de búsqueda = search language.
    * limitar búsqueda = limit + search.
    * línea de búsqueda = query line.
    * lista de búsqueda = finding list.
    * lógica de búsqueda = search logic.
    * lógica de búsqueda por ponderación = weighted-term search logic.
    * método de búsqueda = search paradigm.
    * misión de búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue mission.
    * motor de búsqueda = portal, search engine, crawler.
    * número de búsquedas fallidas = failure rate.
    * número de la búsqueda = set number.
    * opción de búsqueda = search option.
    * opciones de búsqueda = search capabilities.
    * operación de búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue operation, search and rescue mission.
    * ordenación jerárquica del resultado de la búsqueda = output ranking.
    * orden de ampliar la búsqueda a los términos relaci = explode command.
    * papeleta de petición de búsqueda en línea = online search request form.
    * paradigma de búsqueda = search paradigm.
    * perfil de búsqueda = search profile.
    * petición de búsqueda = search request.
    * ponderación de los términos de la ecuación de búsqueda = query term weighting.
    * posibilidades de búsqueda = searching capabilities, searchability, retrieval facilities, search facilities.
    * posterior a la búsqueda = post-search.
    * precisar una búsqueda = focus + Posesivo + search.
    * proceso de búsqueda = searching process, search process.
    * programa de búsqueda = search software, search software package.
    * proveedor de servicios de búsqueda en línea = online search service supplier.
    * realizar una búsqueda = conduct + search, execute + search, perform + search, run + search, undertake + search, carry out + search.
    * recuadro de búsqueda = search box.
    * reformulación de la búsqueda = query reformation.
    * restringir una búsqueda = limit + selection, narrow + search, qualify + search, qualify + selection.
    * resultado de la búsqueda = posting, search output, search result, searching result.
    * resultado de una búsqueda = set.
    * robot de búsqueda = portal, search engine, crawler, Web crawler.
    * servicio de búsqueda = search service.
    * sesión de búsqueda = search session.
    * sistema de búsqueda = paging system.
    * técnica de búsqueda automatizada = computer-searching technique.
    * tema de búsqueda = search topic.
    * término de búsqueda = search term, search word.
    * término de la búsqueda = query term.
    * tiempo de búsqueda = search time.
    * tipos de búsqueda = retrieval facilities, search facilities.
    * vector de búsqueda = query vector.
    * velocidad de búsqueda = search speed.
    * ventana de búsqueda = search box.

    * * *
    search búsqueda DE algo/algn search FOR sth/sb
    treasure hunt
    ( Inf) wordsearch
    web search
    ( Inf) search and replace
    * * *


    búsqueda sustantivo femenino búsqueda (de algo/algn) search (for sth/sb)
    búsqueda sustantivo femenino search
    ' búsqueda' also found in these entries:
    - consulta
    - busca
    - cuidadoso
    - minucioso
    - fruitless
    - hunt
    - job hunting
    - look
    - pursuit
    - scouting
    - search
    - warrant
    - wild-goose chase
    - quest
    - treasure
    * * *
    a la búsqueda de algo in search of sth;
    (ir) en búsqueda de (to go) in search of
    * * *
    f search;
    búsqueda en el texto INFOR search o find in the text
    * * *
    : search
    * * *
    búsqueda n search

    Spanish-English dictionary > búsqueda

  • 20 system

    system of axes
    3-component LDV system
    3-D LDV system
    4-D system
    4-D flight-management system
    4-D guidance system
    AC electrical system
    actuation system
    aerial delivery system
    aerostat system
    AEW system
    afterburning control system
    AI-based expert system
    aileron-to-rudder system
    air bleed offtake system
    air cushion system
    air cycle system
    air data system
    air defence system
    air induction system
    air refueling system
    air traffic control system
    air-combat advisory system
    air-conditioning system
    air-path axis system
    air-turbine starting system
    airborne early warning system
    aircooling system
    aircraft reference axis system
    aircraft weight-and-balance measuring system
    aircraft-autopilot system
    aircraft-based system
    aircraft-bifilar-pendulum system
    aircraft-carried earth axis system
    aircraft-carried normal earth axis system
    aircrew escape system
    airfield lighting control system
    airframe/rotor system
    airspeed system
    alcohol-wash system
    alignment control system
    all-electronic system
    all-weather mission system
    altitude loss warning system
    angle-of-attack command system
    anti-collision system
    anti-g system
    antitorque system
    anti-icing system
    antiskid system
    area-navigation system
    ARI system
    artificial feel system
    artificial intelligence-based expert system
    artificially augmented flight control system
    ATC system
    attitude and heading reference system
    audio system
    audiovisual system
    auto-diagnosis system
    auto-hover system
    autolanding system
    automatic cambering system
    automatic trim system
    autostabilization system
    autotrim system
    axis system
    B system
    balance-fixed coordinate system
    base-excited system
    basic axis system
    beam-foundation system
    bifilar pendulum suspension system
    bladder system
    blowing system
    blowing boundary layer control system
    blown flap system
    body axis system
    body axis coordinate system
    body-fitted coordinate system
    body-fixed reference system
    boom system
    boosted flight control system
    braking system
    breathing system
    buddy-buddy refuelling system
    cabin pressurization system
    cable-mount system
    CAD system
    canopy's jettison system
    cardiovascular system
    cargo loading system
    cargo-handling system
    carrier catapult system
    cartesian axis system
    Cat III system
    central nervous system
    CGI system
    circulating oil system
    closed cooling system
    closed-loop system
    cockpit system
    cockpit management system
    collision avoidance system
    combined cooling system
    command-by-voice system
    command/vehicle system
    commercial air transportation system
    compensatory system
    computer-aided design system
    computer-assisted system
    computer-generated image system
    computer-generated visual system
    concentrated-mass system
    conflict-alert system
    conservative system
    constant bandwidth system
    constant gain system
    consultative expert system
    control system
    control augmented system
    control loader system
    cooling system
    coordinate system
    counterstealth system
    coupled system
    coupled fire and flight-control system
    covert mission system
    crew systems
    cueing system
    curvilinear coordinate system
    damped system
    data system
    data acquisition system
    data handling system
    data transfer system
    data-gathering system
    DC electrical system
    decision support system
    defensive avionics system
    deicing system
    demisting system
    departure prevention system
    deterministic system
    dual-dual redundant system
    4-D navigation system
    6-DOF motion system
    diagnosable system
    dial-a-flap system
    direct impingement starting system
    displacement control system
    display system
    display-augmented system
    divergent system
    DLC system
    dogfight system
    door-to-door system
    Doppler ground velocity system
    double-balance system
    drive system
    drive train/rotor system
    dry air refueling system
    dual-field-of-view system
    dual-wing system
    dynamic system
    early-warning system
    Earth-centered coordinate system
    earth-fixed axis system
    earth/sky/horizon projector system
    ejection system
    ejection display system
    ejection seat escape system
    ejection sequence system
    ejector exhaust system
    ejector lift system
    election safety system
    electric starting system
    electro-expulsive deicing system
    electro-impulse deicing system
    electro-vibratory deicing system
    electronic flight instrumentation system
    Elint system
    emergency power system
    emitter locator system
    EMP-protected system
    engine monitoring system
    engine-propeller system
    engine-related system
    enhanced lift system
    envelope-limiting system
    environmental control system
    escape system
    excessive pitch attitude warning system
    exhaust system
    FADEC system
    fault-tolerant system
    FBW system
    feathering system
    feedback system
    feel system
    fin axis system
    fire detection system
    fire suppression system
    fire-extinguishing system
    fire-protection system
    five-point restraint system
    fixed-structure control system
    flap system
    flap/slat system
    flash-protection system
    flexible manufacturing system
    flight control system
    flight control actuation system
    flight director system
    flight inspection system
    flight management system
    flight path system
    flight path axis system
    flight test system
    flight-test instrumentation system
    flotation system
    fluid anti-icing system
    flutter control system
    flutter margin augmentation system
    flutter suppression system
    fluttering system
    fly-by-light system
    fly-by-light control system
    fly-by-wire system
    fly-by-wire/power-by-wire control system
    foolproof system
    force-excited system
    force-feel system
    forward vision augmentation system
    fuel conservative guidance system
    fuel management system
    fuel transfer system
    full-vectoring system
    full-authority digital engine control system
    full-motion system
    full-state system
    full-time system
    fully articulated rotor system
    fuselage axis system
    g-command system
    g-cueing system
    g-limiting system
    gas generator control system
    gas turbine starting system
    global positioning system
    governing system
    ground collision avoidance system
    ground proximity warning system
    ground-axes system
    ground-fixed coordinate system
    ground-referenced navigation system
    gust alleviation system
    gust control system
    gyroscopic system
    gyroscopically coupled system
    halon fire-extinguishing system
    halon gas fire-fighting system
    hands-off system
    head-aimed system
    headup guidance system
    helmet pointing system
    helmet-mounted visual system
    hierarchical system
    high-damping system
    high-authority system
    high-lift system
    high-order system
    high-pay-off system
    high-resolution system
    higher harmonic control system
    hose-reel system
    hot-gas anti-icing system
    hub plane axis system
    hub plane reference axis system
    hub-fixed coordinate system
    hydraulic system
    hydraulic starting system
    hydropneumatic system
    hydrostatic motion system
    hysteretic system
    ice-protection system
    icing cloud spray system
    icing-protection system
    identification friend or foe system
    image generator system
    in-flight entertainment system
    incidence limiting system
    inert gas generating system
    inertial coordinate system
    inertial navigation system
    inertial reference system
    infinite-dimensional system
    information management system
    inlet boundary layer control system
    inlet control system
    input system
    instruction system
    instrument landing system
    instrumentation system
    intelligence system
    intelligent system
    interconnection system
    intermediate axis system
    intrusion alarm system
    intrusion detection system
    inverted fuel system
    landing guidance system
    large-travel motion system
    laser-based visual system
    lateral attitude control system
    lateral control system
    lateral feel system
    lateral seat restraint system
    lateral-directional stability and command augmentation system
    lead compensated system
    left-handed coordinate system
    leg restraint system
    life support system
    liferaft deployment system
    lift-distribution control system
    lighter-than-air system
    lightly damped system
    lightning protection system
    lightning sensor system
    lightning warning system
    limited-envelope flight control system
    linear vibrating system
    liquid oxygen system
    load control system
    load indication system
    local-horizon system
    loom system
    low-damping system
    low-order system
    LQG controlled system
    lubrication system
    lumped parameter system
    Mach number system
    main transmission system
    maintenance diagnostic system
    maintenance record system
    man-in-the-loop system
    man-machine system
    maneuver demand system
    maneuvering attack system
    mass-spring-dashpot system
    mass-spring-damper system
    mast-mounted sight system
    mechanical-hydraulic flight control system
    microwave landing system
    MIMO system
    mine-sweeping system
    missile system
    missile-fixed system
    mission-planning system
    mobile aircraft arresting system
    modal cancellation system
    modal suppression system
    mode-decoupling system
    model reference system
    model-based visual system
    model-following system
    modelboard system
    molecular sieve oxygen generation system
    monopulse system
    motion system
    motion generation system
    multi-input single-output system
    multi-input, multi-output system
    multimode system
    multibody system
    multidegree-of-freedom system
    multiloop system
    multiple-input single output system
    multiple-input, multiple-output system
    multiple-loop system
    multiple-redundant system
    multiply supported system
    multishock system
    multivariable system
    navigation management system
    navigation/attack system
    navigation/bomb system
    NDT system
    neuromuscular system
    night/dusk visual system
    portable aircraft arresting system
    nitrogen inerting system
    no-tail-rotor system
    nonminimum phase system
    nonoscillatory system
    nonconservative system
    normal earth-fixed axis system
    Notar system
    nozzle control system
    nuclear-hardened system
    observer-based system
    obstacle warning system
    oil system
    on-board inert gas generation system
    on-board maintenance system
    on-board oxygen generating system
    on-off system
    one degree of freedom system
    one-shot lubrication system
    open cooling system
    open seat escape system
    open-loop system
    operability system
    optic-based control system
    optimally controlled system
    orthogonal axis system
    oxygen generation system
    parachute system
    partial vectoring system
    partial vibrating system
    performance-seeking system
    perturbed system
    pilot reveille system
    pilot vision system
    pilot-aircraft system
    pilot-aircraft-task system
    pilot-in-the-loop system
    pilot-manipulator system
    pilot-plus-airplane system
    pilot-vehicle-task system
    pilot-warning system
    pilot/vehicle system
    pitch change system
    pitch compensation system
    pitch stability and command augmentation system
    pitch rate system
    pitch rate command system
    pitch rate flight control system
    pneumatic deicing system
    pneumatic ice-protection system
    pneumodynamic system
    position hold system
    power system
    power-assisted system
    power-boosted system
    powered high-lift system
    powered-lift system
    precognitive system
    pressurization system
    preview system
    probabilistically diagnosable system
    probe refuelling system
    pronated escape system
    propeller-fixed coordinate system
    propulsive lift system
    proximity warning system
    pursuit system
    push-rod control system
    quantized system
    random system
    rating system
    reconfigurable system
    rectangular coordinate system
    reduced-gain system
    reference axis system
    refuelling system
    remote augmentor lift system
    remote combustion system
    response-feedback system
    restart system
    restraint system
    restructurable control system
    retraction system
    ride-control system
    ride-quality system
    ride-quality augmentation system
    ride-smoothing system
    right-handed axis system
    right-handed coordinate system
    rigid body system
    robotic refueling system
    rod-mass system
    roll augmentation system
    roll rate command system
    rotating system
    rotor system
    rotor isolation system
    rotor-body system
    rotor-wing lift system
    route planner system
    rudder trim system
    rudder-augmentation system
    sampled-data system
    scheduling system
    schlieren system
    sea-based system
    seat restraint system
    seatback video system
    self-adjoint system
    self-contained starting system
    self-diagnosable system
    self-excited system
    self-repairing system
    self-sealing fuel system
    self-tuning system
    shadow-mask system
    shadowgraph system
    ship-fixed coordinate system
    shock system
    short-closed oil system
    sighting system
    simulation system
    simulator-based learning system
    single degree of freedom system
    single-input multiple-output system
    singularly perturbed system
    situational awareness system
    six-axis motion system
    six-degree-of-freedom motion system
    six-puck brake system
    ski-and-wheel system
    skid-to-turn system
    snapping system
    soft mounting system
    soft ride system
    sound system
    speed-stability system
    spherical coordinate system
    spin recovery system
    spin-prevention system
    spring-mass-dashpot system
    stability and control augmentation system
    stability augmentation system
    stability axis coordinate system
    stability enhancement system
    stall detection system
    stall inhibitor system
    stall protection system
    stall warning system
    starting system
    stealth system
    stochastic system
    storage and retrieval system
    store alignment system
    stores management system
    strap-down inertial system
    structural system
    structural-mode compensation system
    structural-mode control system
    structural-mode suppression system
    STT system
    suppression system
    suspension system
    tactile sensory system
    tail clearance control system
    tail warning system
    task-tailored system
    terrain-aided navigation system
    terrain-referencing system
    test system
    thermal control system
    thermal protection system
    threat-warning system
    three-axis augmentation system
    three-body tethered system
    three-control system
    three-gyro system
    through-the-canopy escape system
    thrust modulation system
    thrust-vectoring system
    tilt-fold-rotor system
    time-invariant system
    time-varying system
    tip-path-plane coordinate system
    torque command/limiting system
    tractor rocket system
    trailing cone static pressure system
    training system
    trajectory guidance system
    translation rate command system
    translational acceleration control system
    trim system
    trim tank system
    triple-load-path system
    tutoring system
    twin-dome system
    two degree of freedom system
    two-body system
    two-input system
    two-input two-output system
    two-pod system
    two-shock system
    two-step shock absorber system
    unpowered flap system
    unpowered high-lift system
    utility services management system
    vapor cycle cooling system
    variable feel system
    variable stability system
    variable structure system
    vestibular sensory system
    vibrating system
    vibration isolation system
    vibration-control system
    vibration-damping system
    video-disc-based visual system
    visor projection system
    visual system
    visual display system
    visual flying rules system
    visual sensory system
    visual simulation system
    visually coupled system
    voice-activated system
    vortex system
    vortex attenuating system
    VTOL control system
    wake-imaging system
    warning system
    water injection cooling system
    water-mist system
    water-mist spray system
    weather system
    wheel steering system
    wide angle visual system
    wind coordinate system
    wind shear system
    wind-axes system
    wind-axes coordinate system
    wind-fixed coordinate system
    wing axis system
    wing flap system
    wing sweep system
    wing-load-alleviation system
    wing-mounted system
    wing/propulsion system
    wiring system
    yaw vane system

    Авиасловарь > system

См. также в других словарях:

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  • nervous system, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction       system that conducts stimuli from sensory receptors to the brain and spinal cord and that conducts impulses back to other parts of the body. As with other higher vertebrates, the human nervous system has two main… …   Universalium

  • Autoland — In aviation, autoland describes a system that fully automates the landing phase of an aircraft s flight, with the human crew merely supervising the process.DescriptionAutoland systems were designed to make landing possible in visibility too poor… …   Wikipedia

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